Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nurgle "Banelord" Class Plague Tower

Hey Folks,

So I've had alot of requests for this and specifically the Obsidian Tower that was based off this design. (More on that guy later, but basically this with no Nurgle stuff or chaos stuff and instead one of the legendary artifacts of Vulcan, the Obsidian Tower) Its basically just a shadow sword kit and plastic card made into what can count as a great Plague Tower of Nurgle.Sadly like alot of my Nurgle stuff, I had to sell it last year :(

Yes, that's right, the back ramp works  and the Mortar on top can pivot up and down.


  1. Meanest ass tank EVER. First time i've seen the back down also. man, lots of space to model in and play with back there. Sweet.

    For the record, I'm going to say that to this day, hands down, this is the most bad-ass mobile tower format i have ever seen in 40k. If you were ever going to have to drive a tank up to punch an emperor titan in the face this is the one AND ONLY tank that will be doing it, lol.

    Plus, I never even knew the mortar moved. How awesome is that people! The front and side armor details are also priceless.

    Gotta say, 10/10 model. This one's made of win people, let's have that slow clap.

  2. Christ, there is not excuse for me not to make one now!
