- [Interview] Alec Peters - Apocalypse 40k Blog/Forum Owner. *Coming Soon!*
- [Interview] Big Jim - Creator of Killzone 40k
- [Interview] Dave Taylor - Modeler Extraordinaire.
- [Interview] Falk - Table Top Fix: The place for the latest modeling release info.
- [Interview] Joel from Anvil Industrys - Custom resin bits.
- [Interview] Joel from Mordian7th - Amazing AdMech Army. *Coming Soon!*
- [Interview] LB from AwesomePaintJob - Creator of the SW washs. *Coming Soon!*
- [Interview] Mark from Musings of a Metal Mind - Amazing conversions
- [Interview] Mr Justin from Secret Weapon Miniatures - Wide range of products.
- [Interview] Mathieu Fontaine - Studio Akaranseth.
- [Interview] Ron from FTW - Kick butt webring!.
- [Interview] SC Mike and SC John from Santa Cruz Warhammer - HoA Creators.
If you, or anyone you know would like to be Interviewed by MWC, please contact us at MiniatureWargameCo@gmail.com .