Sunday, April 17, 2011

Red's Corps - Red Scorpions LiveStrong Contribution Shoutout

Jack, over at Red's Corps (who has some wickedly sweet Red Scorpion Marines) has decided to be one of the first members of the LiveStrong Wargaming Project group to start on his first auction, with the proceeds going to charity, via eBay's Giving Works program.

He is working on a new plastic Demon Prince, that.. ah well, heck, i'll just let Jack tell you! Check it out here as hes quick, so it will be listed soon! So help a charity, and get an amazing Demon Prince!


  1. Thanks very much for letting me be a part of this!

    I'm really glad I can use the hobby to generate some money for LiveStrong and while it probably won't end up being a whole lot, every little bit counts right!!

    I've got primer on him so far but am doing some research into colour schemes I think would fit the model well before I take the brushes out.

    Thanks again for letting me help out.


  2. Neat daemon prince. And, forgive my ignorance, but, wha's the livestrong project about?

  3. @Red - I thinks its super cool your the first to use the LiveStrong idea and work on a model that your going to list and then give the proceeds to a charity. I really cant wait to see what color scheme you come up with as your painting already rocks! I seriously love your Red Scorpions, especially that Land Speeder Storm!

    @Das Reich - Here ya go:
