Straight from GW, here:
Last week we made a little announcement about the new Citadel Finecast range. Of course, it's all been very secret-squirrel here at Head Office, so much so that only a few of us have actually seen the new miniatures. With that in mind, we decided to let the guys in the Studio write today's blog post, after all they are the ones that have spent the last few months living and breathing Citadel Finecast.
Andy Hall: Last week we announced something very special - so special in fact that it's nothing less than a new era in wargaming, as we launch the highest quality miniatures the world has ever seen - Citadel Finecast.
Wow, that's quite a statement isn't it? Nonetheless, it is very true. On the 28th of May we launch Citadel Finecast, miniatures of such exquisite detail that they are the closest representation of the sculptors' original that we have ever been able to make. Until you hold one in your hand and see it for yourself, it's hard to describe just how detailed they are.
So, what are Citadel Finecast miniatures and why are we making the change? Quite simply, Citadel Finecast is the next step in the evolution in tabletop miniatures wargaming. From the start, Games Workshop has always innovated and sought to increase the quality of our models - Citadel Finecast is the next step in that process. There are no other miniatures that exist of this quality and manufactured on this scale in the world, and we're proud and very excited for you all to see this for yourselves.
The Citadel Finecast miniatures are all made from a unique resin formula. For us as hobbyists, this is great news. The resin is easy to work with and quick to cut off the sprue, making assembling a miniature easier than it has ever been. Not only that, but it's incredibly light too, which means pinning wings and other heavy components will be a thing of the past. So, quick and durable, that's a good start. But of course, one of the main reasons for this change to resin was quality. One thing you'll notice immediately when you pick them up is the exceptionally sharp detail on the model, which can only be described as staggering. For dedicated painters (which we all are to some extent) this is a dream come true.
This Saturday is going to be a landmark day in Games Workshop's history. No matter which country you live in, when the doors of your local Hobby Centre open for business on Saturday morning, you'll find over 100 new clampacks and boxed sets of Citadel Finecast miniatures. This is your chance to come and have a look and make up your own mind about the bold claims I've made above. You won't be disappointed.
You should also make sure you pick up June's White Dwarf. In it I'll be discussing the new kits even further, and talking to such luminaries as 'Eavy Metal's Joe Tomaszewski about what it's like paint Citadel Finecast, as well as veteran miniatures designer Aly Morrison regarding what the future holds when sculpting for the new medium. To quote Aly: "In a way it will push us to try things we could never realise before; to add even more dynamism to the models." Being a hobbyist first and foremost, that's a very exciting thing for me to hear.
So, what next? Every day this week we'll be adding more images of upcoming Citadel Finecast models to the website leading up to the launch on Saturday. All you need to do is make sure you're at your local Games Workshop Hobby Centre this Saturday for the grand unveiling.
The Eldar range is often seen as the epitome of intricate, beautiful miniatures. Re-moulding them as Citadel Finecast pieces only helps to further that image.
Even the 'Eavy Metal team, veteran painters one and all, were in awe of the new miniatures. Details such as spirit stones and feathers are now cleaner and crisper than they've ever been.
In some cases, whole regiments have been converted into resin kits and the Blood Knights are the perfect example of this. These famously heavy models are now light as a feather, easy to assemble and extremely durable.
The finished Blood Knight Castellan is a piece of art in its own right. Areas of detail such as fur and hair are superbly well-defined, allowing you to really go to town with you paint-job. Even the armour plates have crisper, tidier detail.
Characters like Gandalf the White have never looked so good. Now re-born in Citadel Finecast, you can truly appreciate the level of detail that can be achieved - it's like looking at a new miniature.
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