Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finished Nurgle Obliterator's

More oldies but goodies.

Basically I decided that the obliterators for the Nurgle force should have puss weapons, large power fists and some kind of targeting glove like the old cyclon missle launcher termies had. Used heads from servitors to get that techy feel as well.


  1. the Green stuff is awesome!, i've only just picked up my first tube, but this gives me so many ideas, the possibilities are endless!

  2. I have to ask - how do you get that awesome "oozy" texture on the green stuff? Do you have particular tools?

  3. Nice. Now these obliterators look like they're really about to let someone have it. I like the bits use on top and also yes, the greenstuff stuff for the plague-pot-bellies sticking out.

  4. Sweet oblis. Grandpa is pleased.

  5. I have always hated the Obliterator models. These are excellent, you've pulled off exactly how they should be. :)
