Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pay it Forward Info and additional prizes

Hello Folks!

The drawing will take place at 12 noon, Central Daylight Time on March the 7th. I will be drawing out a total of 15 (!)  winners. Up 3 more from the last count of 12. Some of you may already be wondering, why will there be more winners so Ill go ahead and break the news right now.

There will be 3 new prizes offered up.

The first 2 are direct from Galaxy Gobbo. A new site for group-buying models and supplies from GW and a ton of other companies including Scibor, Battlefoam, Warmachine and even Modeling Supplies.

The Gobbo is offering 2 more winners who will each receive a Coupon for 50% off ANYTHING in the store. That's right. 50% off a Blister or off an Army Box. 50% off a box of Khador Jacks or off a whole set of Battlefoam for your entire army! The sky is the limit. This is of course on top of the Battleforce that the Gobbo has offered to give away at the winners choice.

So folks, check out the Gobbo for some amazing deals! www.GalaxyGobbo.com

The next new prize up for grabs is one that I think is beyond sweet. In fact, it makes me speechless that someone would donate this to the give away. Ill let the picture above speak for itself:

That's right! An Ork Forgeworld Mega Dread WITH both the Kill Kannon Arm and the Rippa Klaw Arm. This item is being donated by Jason Hewit. All Jason asks in return is the winner posts pics of it painted so that he can see what becomes of it. Jason is a great guy and regularly does charity work for the ASPCA.

Oh before I forget, the follower that donated the HE items and the extra blisters wants to remain anonymous but is a member of the 40k Forums. He asked kindly that i mention the forum instead of him. So it can be found here: http://www.40kforums.com/vb/forum.php . Its a great forum and home to alot of really cool guys that are always willing to help out. Check it out!

These new prizes are of course on top of the previous 12.

Now I know this month has alot of prizes and some people have asked that they be spread out but I think its best to do this full give away this month. Future give aways based on donation will most likely be alot smaller then this month and much more on par with the first months give away.

I must say that the kindness and compassion of the entire community for this give away has made my heart itself smile. I want to thank everyone that has donated something and to thank all those that have joined up for the chance to win. If we all Pay It Forward when we can, the community and in fact the entire hobby can become the giant family I know it is.

I wish everyone the best luck in winning and everyone the best weekend possible.

Miniature Wargame Conversions - MWC


  1. That would make me start an ork army...

    That is a pretty cool model

  2. yeah, that would look great in the front lines of an ork Hoard. painted black with some hotrod flames on it!

  3. Wow. That's a lot of stuff.

    Capcha: Rackit. Seems appropriate, given the Ork up there!

  4. Wel, could be cool to actually get some new models :)

  5. Sounds great, TY to all the donators.

  6. I know precisely whom to give the Orky model to should I win. I have a humble and gracious friend whom plays Orks, and I can hardly imagine the look on his face if I gave him the big thing.

    We just have to follow the blog to enter, right?

  7. @Everyone else - Great to see such support and a bunch of people that could use it. Thats exactly the kind of thing that I do this for. :)

    @Lucas - Now you sir are proof of the exact reason I hope this Pay It Forward idea continues. Giving something to a fried that could use it is exactly what this is all about!

    And yup, just click follow at the top right and your entered :) I use that list to make the drawing list.

  8. Wow this is a really great community event. So all I have to do to be registered is to log in as a follower?

  9. @Gary - Yp thats right. Just click the follow button at the top right as thats where I take the list of people from the drawing from. :)

  10. Thanks!!! I am deployed to a small base in Iraq...I was telling my sons about this (9,7,4) and they thought it was very cool. So you have made 3 young men very excited about a possible win... :)
    Thanks for the great community spirit. This is the type of gaming community I want my sons to be part of when they get older.

  11. good luck to all you great 40k fans!!
